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Presentations and publications about the SiFP method

This section contains presentations of the SiFP Method carried out in events and conferences as well as published papers and articles.



  1. “Simple Function Point: a new Functional Size Measurement Method fully compliant with IFPUG 4.x”, SMEF2011, Roma
  2. “Simple Function Point! A new method for functional size measurement fully compatible with the IFPUG method 4.x”, UK Software Metrics Association & COSMIC International Conference on Software Metrics and Estimating, London , October 2011, London
  3. “Simple Function Points: an “agile” measurement method for “agile” contracts”, SMEF2012, Roma
  4. “An Evaluation of Simple Function Point as a Replacement of IFPUG Function Point”, International Workshop on Software Measurement (IWSM) 2014, Ott 2014, Rotterdam
  5. A study on the statistical convertibility of IFPUG Function Point, COSMIC Function Point and Simple Function Point June 2017 Information and Software Technology 86:1-19

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